OpenMP topic: SIMD processing

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26 OpenMP topic: SIMD processing

You can declare a loop to be executable with vector instructions with \indexpragmadef{simd}.

Remark Depending on your compiler, it may be necessary to give an extra option enabling SIMD:

End of remark

The simd pragma has the following clauses:

If your SIMD loop includes a function call, you can declare that the function can be turned into vector instructions with declare simd

If a loop is both multi-threadable and vectorizable, you can combine directives as pragma omp parallel for simd  .

Compilers can be made to report whether a loop was vectorized:

   LOOP BEGIN at simdf.c(61,15)
      remark #15301: OpenMP SIMD LOOP WAS VECTORIZED
with such options as -Qvec-report=3 for the Intel compiler.

Performance improvements of these directives need not be immediately obvious. In cases where the operation is bandwidth-limited, using simd parallelism may give the same or worse performance as thread parallelism.

The following function can be vectorized:

// simdfunctions.c
#pragma omp declare simd
double cs(double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2) {
    inprod = x1*x2+y1*y2,
    xnorm = sqrt(x1*x1 + x2*x2),
    ynorm = sqrt(y1*y1 + y2*y2);
  return inprod / (xnorm*ynorm);
#pragma omp declare simd uniform(x1,x2,y1,y2) linear(i)
double csa(double *x1,double *x2,double *y1,double *y2, int i) {
    inprod = x1[i]*x2[i]+y1[i]*y2[i],
    xnorm = sqrt(x1[i]*x1[i] + x2[i]*x2[i]),
    ynorm = sqrt(y1[i]*y1[i] + y2[i]*y2[i]);
  return inprod / (xnorm*ynorm);
Compiling this the regular way
# parameter 1(x1): %xmm0
# parameter 2(x2): %xmm1
# parameter 3(y1): %xmm2
# parameter 4(y2): %xmm3

movaps    %xmm0, %xmm5    5 <- x1
movaps    %xmm2, %xmm4    4 <- y1
mulsd     %xmm1, %xmm5    5 <- 5 * x2 = x1 * x2
mulsd     %xmm3, %xmm4    4 <- 4 * y2 = y1 * y2
mulsd     %xmm0, %xmm0    0 <- 0 * 0 = x1 * x1
mulsd     %xmm1, %xmm1    1 <- 1 * 1 = x2 * x2
addsd     %xmm4, %xmm5    5 <- 5 + 4 = x1*x2 + y1*y2
mulsd     %xmm2, %xmm2    2 <- 2 * 2 = y1 * y1
mulsd     %xmm3, %xmm3    3 <- 3 * 3 = y2 * y2
addsd     %xmm1, %xmm0    0 <- 0 + 1 = x1*x1 + x2*x2
addsd     %xmm3, %xmm2    2 <- 2 + 3 = y1*y1 + y2*y2
sqrtsd    %xmm0, %xmm0    0 <- sqrt(0) = sqrt( x1*x1 + x2*x2 )
sqrtsd    %xmm2, %xmm2    2 <- sqrt(2) = sqrt( y1*y1 + y2*y2 )
which uses the scalar instruction mulsd : multiply scalar double precision.

With a declare simd directive:

movaps    %xmm0, %xmm7
movaps    %xmm2, %xmm4
mulpd     %xmm1, %xmm7
mulpd     %xmm3, %xmm4
which uses the vector instruction mulpd : multiply packed double precision, operating on 128-bit SSE2 register s.

Compiling for the Intel Knight's Landing gives more complicated code:

# parameter 1(x1): %xmm0
# parameter 2(x2): %xmm1
# parameter 3(y1): %xmm2
# parameter 4(y2): %xmm3

vmulpd    %xmm3, %xmm2, %xmm4                           4 <- y1*y2
vmulpd    %xmm1, %xmm1, %xmm5                           5 <- x1*x2
vbroadcastsd .L_2il0floatpacket.0(%rip), %zmm21         
movl      $3, %eax                                      set accumulator EAX
vbroadcastsd .L_2il0floatpacket.5(%rip), %zmm24         
kmovw     %eax, %k3                                     set mask k3
vmulpd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm6                           6 <-y1*y1 (stall)
vfmadd231pd %xmm0, %xmm1, %xmm4                         4 <- 4 + x1*x2 (no reuse!)
vfmadd213pd %xmm5, %xmm0, %xmm0                         0 <- 0 + 0*5 = x1 + x1*(x1*x2)
vmovaps   %zmm21, %zmm18                                #25.26 c7
vmovapd   %zmm0, %zmm3{%k3}{z}                          #25.26 c11
vfmadd213pd %xmm6, %xmm2, %xmm2                         #24.29 c13
vpcmpgtq  %zmm0, %zmm21, %k1{%k3}                       #25.26 c13
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.1(%rip){1to8}, %zmm0, %zmm3{%k1} #25.26 c15
vmovaps   %zmm4, %zmm26                                 #25.26 c15
vmovapd   %zmm2, %zmm7{%k3}{z}                          #25.26 c17
vpcmpgtq  %zmm2, %zmm21, %k2{%k3}                       #25.26 c17
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.1(%rip){1to8}, %zmm2, %zmm7{%k2} #25.26 c19
vrsqrt28pd %zmm3, %zmm16{%k3}{z}                        #25.26 c19
vpxorq    %zmm4, %zmm4, %zmm26{%k3}                     #25.26 c19
vrsqrt28pd %zmm7, %zmm20{%k3}{z}                        #25.26 c21
vmulpd    {rn-sae}, %zmm3, %zmm16, %zmm19{%k3}{z}       #25.26 c27 stall 2
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.2(%rip){1to8}, %zmm16, %zmm17{%k3}{z} #25.26 c27
vmulpd    {rn-sae}, %zmm7, %zmm20, %zmm23{%k3}{z}       #25.26 c29
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.2(%rip){1to8}, %zmm20, %zmm22{%k3}{z} #25.26 c29
vfnmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm17, %zmm19, %zmm18{%k3}      #25.26 c33 stall 1
vfnmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm22, %zmm23, %zmm21{%k3}      #25.26 c35
vfmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm19, %zmm18, %zmm19{%k3}       #25.26 c39 stall 1
vfmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm23, %zmm21, %zmm23{%k3}       #25.26 c41
vfmadd213pd {rn-sae}, %zmm17, %zmm17, %zmm18{%k3}       #25.26 c45 stall 1
vfnmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm19, %zmm19, %zmm3{%k3}       #25.26 c47
vfmadd213pd {rn-sae}, %zmm22, %zmm22, %zmm21{%k3}       #25.26 c51 stall 1
vfnmadd231pd {rn-sae}, %zmm23, %zmm23, %zmm7{%k3}       #25.26 c53
vfmadd213pd %zmm19, %zmm18, %zmm3{%k3}                  #25.26 c57 stall 1
vfmadd213pd %zmm23, %zmm21, %zmm7{%k3}                  #25.26 c59
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.3(%rip){1to8}, %zmm3, %zmm3{%k1} #25.26 c63 stall 1
vscalefpd .L_2il0floatpacket.3(%rip){1to8}, %zmm7, %zmm7{%k2} #25.26 c65
vfixupimmpd $112, .L_2il0floatpacket.4(%rip){1to8}, %zmm0, %zmm3{%k3} #25.26 c65
vfixupimmpd $112, .L_2il0floatpacket.4(%rip){1to8}, %zmm2, %zmm7{%k3} #25.26 c67
vmulpd    %xmm7, %xmm3, %xmm0                           #25.26 c71
vmovaps   %zmm0, %zmm27                                 #25.26 c79
vmovaps   %zmm0, %zmm25                                 #25.26 c79
vrcp28pd  {sae}, %zmm0, %zmm27{%k3}                     #25.26 c81
vfnmadd213pd {rn-sae}, %zmm24, %zmm27, %zmm25{%k3}      #25.26 c89 stall 3
vfmadd213pd {rn-sae}, %zmm27, %zmm25, %zmm27{%k3}       #25.26 c95 stall 2
vcmppd    $8, %zmm26, %zmm27, %k1{%k3}                  #25.26 c101 stall 2
vmulpd    %zmm27, %zmm4, %zmm1{%k3}{z}                  #25.26 c101
kortestw  %k1, %k1                                      #25.26 c103
je        ..B1.3        # Prob 25%                      #25.26 c105
vdivpd    %zmm0, %zmm4, %zmm1{%k1}                      #25.26 c3 stall 1
vmovaps   %xmm1, %xmm0                                  #25.26 c77
ret                                                     #25.26 c79

#pragma omp declare simd uniform(op1) linear(k) notinbranch
  double SqrtMul(double *op1, double op2, int k) {
    return (sqrt(op1[k]) * sqrt(op2));
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