MPI leftover topics

Experimental html version of Parallel Programming in MPI, OpenMP, and PETSc by Victor Eijkhout. download the textbook at https:/
\[ \newcommand\inv{^{-1}}\newcommand\invt{^{-t}} \newcommand\bbP{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand\bbR{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand\defined{ \mathrel{\lower 5pt \hbox{${\equiv\atop\mathrm{\scriptstyle D}}$}}} \] 15.1 : Contextual information, attributes, etc.
15.1.1 : Info objects : Environment information : Communicator and window information : File information
15.1.2 : Attributes
15.1.3 : Create new keyval attributes
15.1.4 : Processor name
15.1.5 : Version information
15.1.6 : Python utility functions
15.2 : Error handling
15.2.1 : Error codes
15.2.2 : Error handling : Abort : Return : Error printing
15.2.3 : Defining your own MPI errors
15.3 : Fortran issues
15.3.1 : Assumed-shape arrays
15.3.2 : Prevent compiler optimizations
15.4 : Progress
15.5 : Fault tolerance
15.6 : Performance, tools, and profiling
15.6.1 : Timing : Global timing : Local timing
15.6.2 : Simple profiling
15.6.3 : Programming for performance
15.6.4 : MPIR
15.7 : Determinism
15.8 : Subtleties with processor synchronization
15.9 : Shell interaction
15.9.1 : Standard input
15.9.2 : Standard out and error
15.9.3 : Process status
15.9.4 : Multiple program start
15.10 : Leftover topics
15.10.1 : MPI constants
15.10.2 : Cancelling messages
15.10.3 : The origin of one-sided communication in ShMem
15.11 : Literature
Back to Table of Contents

15 MPI leftover topics

15.1 Contextual information, attributes, etc.

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc.

15.1.1 Info objects

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Info objects

Certain MPI routines can accept MPI_Info objects. (For files, see section  , for windows, see section  9.5.4  .) These contain key-value pairs that can offer system or implementation dependent information.

Create an info object with MPI_Info_create and delete it with MPI_Info_free  .

Keys are then set with MPI_Info_set  , and they can be queried with MPI_Info_get  . Note that the output of the `get' routine is not allocated: it is a buffer that is passed. The maximum length of a key is given by the parameter MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY  . You can delete a key from an info object with MPI_Info_delete  .

There is a straightforward duplication of info objects: MPI_Info_dup  .

You can also query the number of keys in an info object with MPI_Info_get_nkeys  , after which the keys can be queried in succession with MPI_Info_get_nthkey

Info objects that are marked as `In' or `Inout' arguments are parsed before that routine returns. This means that in nonblocking routines they can be freed immediately, unlike, for instance, send buffers.

\begin{mpifournote} {Info with null terminator} The routines \indexmpidepr{MPI_Info_get} and \indexmpidepr{MPI_Info_get_valuelen} are not robust with respect to the C language null terminator  . Therefore, they are deprecated, and should be replaced with MPI_Info_get_string  , which always returns a null-terminated string.

int MPI_Info_get_string
   (MPI_Info info, const char *key, 
    int *buflen, char *value, int *flag)  
\end{mpifournote} Environment information

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Info objects > Environment information

The object MPI_INFO_ENV is predefined, containing:

Note that these are the requested values; the running program can for instance have lower thread support. Communicator and window information

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Info objects > Communicator and window information

MPI has a built-in possibility of attaching information to communicators and windows using the calls MPI_Comm_get_info MPI_Comm_set_info  , MPI_Win_get_info  , MPI_Win_set_info  .

Copying a communicator with MPI_Comm_dup does not cause the info to be copied; to propagate information to the copy there is MPI_Comm_dup_with_info (section  7.2  ). File information

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Info objects > File information

An MPI_Info object can be passed to the following file routines:

The following keys are defined in the MPI-2 standard:

Additionally, file system-specific keys can exist.

15.1.2 Attributes

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Attributes

Some runtime (or installation dependendent) values are available as attributes through MPI_Comm_set_attr and MPI_Comm_get_attr for communicators, or MPI_Win_get_attr  , MPI_Type_get_attr  . (The MPI-2 routine MPI_Attr_get is deprecated). The flag parameter has two functions:

The return value parameter is subtle: while it is declared void*  , it is actually the address of a void* pointer.

// tags.c
int tag_upperbound;
void *v; int flag=1;
ierr = MPI_Comm_get_attr(comm,MPI_TAG_UB,&v,&flag);
tag_upperbound = *(int*)v;
tag_upperbound = comm.Get_attr(MPI.TAG_UB)
if procid==0:
    print("Determined tag upperbound: {}".format(tag_upperbound))

Attributes are:


Fortran note Fortran has none of this double indirection stuff. The value of the attribute is returned immediately, as an integer of kind MPI_ADDRESS_KIND :

!! tags.F90
  logical :: flag
  integer(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: attr_v,tag_upperbound
  call MPI_Comm_get_attr(comm,MPI_TAG_UB,attr_v,flag,ierr)
  tag_upperbound = attr_v
        print '("Determined tag upperbound: ",i9)', tag_upperbound
End of Fortran note

Python note mpi4py.MPI.UNIVERSE_SIZE  .

15.1.3 Create new keyval attributes

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Create new keyval attributes

Create a key value with MPI_Comm_create_keyval  , MPI_Type_create_keyval  , MPI_Win_create_keyval  . Use this key to set new attributes with MPI_Comm_set_attr  , MPI_Type_set_attr  , MPI_Win_set_attr  . Free the attributed with MPI_Comm_delete_attr  , MPI_Type_delete_attr  , MPI_Win_delete_attr  .

This uses a function type MPI_Comm_attr_function  . This function is copied when a communicator is duplicated; section  7.2  . Free with MPI_Comm_free_keyval  .

15.1.4 Processor name

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Processor name

You can query the hostname of a processor with MPI_Get_processor_name  . This name need not be unique between different processor ranks.

You have to pass in the character storage: the character array must be at least MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME characters long. The actual length of the name is returned in the resultlen parameter.

15.1.5 Version information

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Version information

For runtime determination, The MPI version is available through two parameters MPI_VERSION and MPI_SUBVERSION or the function MPI_Get_version  .

The library version can be queried with MPI_Get_library_version  . The result string has to fit in MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING  .

Python note A function is available for version and subversion, as well as explicit parameters: \psnippetwithoutput{mpiversionp}{examples/mpi/p}{version}

15.1.6 Python utility functions

crumb trail: > mpi > Contextual information, attributes, etc. > Python utility functions

Python note \small

print(f"Include dir:\n{mpi4py.get_include()}")
Mac OS X with Python installed through macports :
{'mpicc': '/opt/local/bin/mpicc-mpich-mp'}
Include dir:

Intel compiler and locally installed Python:

{'mpicc': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpicc',
 'mpicxx': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpicxx',
 'mpifort': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpif90',
 'mpif90': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpif90',
 'mpif77': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpif77'}
Include dir:

15.2 Error handling

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling

Errors in normal programs can be tricky to deal with; errors in parallel programs can be even harder. This is because in addition to everything that can go wrong with a single executable (floating point errors, memory violation) you now get errors that come from faulty interaction between multiple executables.

A few examples of what can go wrong:

While it is desirable for an MPI implementation to return an error, this is not always possible. Therefore, some scenarios, whether supplying certain procedure arguments, or doing a certain sequence of procedure calls, are simply marked as `erroneous', and the state of MPI after an erroneous call is undefined.

15.2.1 Error codes

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Error codes

There are a bunch of error codes. These are all positive int values, while MPI_SUCCESS is zero. The maximum value of any built-in error code is MPI_ERR_LASTCODE  . User-defined error codes are all larger than this.

15.2.2 Error handling

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Error handling

The MPI library has a general mechanism for dealing with errors that it detects: one can specify an error handler, specific to MPI objects.

Remark The routine MPI_Errhandler_set is deprecated, replaced by its MPI-2 variant MPI_Comm_set_errhandler  .
End of remark

Some handlers of type MPI_Errhandler are predefined ( MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL  , MPI_ERRORS_ABORT  , MPI_ERRORS_RETURN ; see below), but you can define your own with MPI_Errhandler_create  , to be freed later with MPI_Errhandler_free  .

By default, MPI uses MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL  , except for file operations; see section  10.5  .

Python note The policy for dealing with errors can be set through the mpi4py.rc object (section  2.2.2  ):

mpi4py.rc.errors # default: "exception"
Available levels are exception  , default  , fatal  . Abort

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Error handling > Abort

The default behavior, where the full run is aborted, is equivalent to your code having the following call to


The handler MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL  , even though it is associated with a communicator, causes the whole application to abort.

\begin{mpifournote} {Abort on communicator} The handler MPI_ERRORS_ABORT (MPI-4) aborts on the processes in the communicator for which it is specified. \end{mpifournote} Return

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Error handling > Return

Another simple possibility is to specify MPI_ERRORS_RETURN :

which causes the error code to be returned to the user. This gives you the opportunity to write code that handles the error return value; see the next section. Error printing

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Error handling > Error printing

If the MPI_Errhandler value MPI_ERRORS_RETURN is used, you can compare the return code to MPI_SUCCESS and print out debugging information:

int ierr;
ierr = MPI_Something();
if (ierr!=MPI_SUCCESS) {
    // print out information about what your programming is doing
For instance,
Fatal error in MPI_Waitall: 
See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code
You could then retrieve the MPI_ERROR field of the status, and print out an error string with MPI_Error_string or maximal size MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING :
ierr = MPI_Waitall(2*ntids-2,requests,status);
if (ierr!=0) {
   char errtxt[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
   for (int i=0; i<2*ntids-2; i++) {
     int err = status[i].MPI_ERROR;
     int len=MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING;
     printf("Waitall error: %d %s\n",err,errtxt);
I/O}: if an output file has the wrong permissions, code can possibly progress without writing data, or writing to a temporary file.

MPI operators ( MPI_Op  ) do not return an error code. In case of an error they call MPI_Abort ; if MPI_ERRORS_RETURN is the error handler, error codes may be silently ignored.

You can create your own error handler with MPI_Comm_create_errhandler  , which is then installed with MPI_Comm_set_errhandler  . You can retrieve the error handler with MPI_Comm_get_errhandler  .

MPL note MPL does not allow for access to the wrapped communicators. However, for MPI_COMM_WORLD  , the routine MPI_Comm_set_errhandler can be called directly. End of MPL note

15.2.3 Defining your own MPI errors

crumb trail: > mpi > Error handling > Defining your own MPI errors

You can define your own errors that behave like MPI errors. As an example, let's write a send routine that refuses to send zero-sized data.

The first step to defining a new error is to define an error class with MPI_Add_error_class :

int nonzero_class;
This error number is larger than MPI_ERR_LASTCODE  , the upper bound on built-in error codes. The attribute MPI_LASTUSEDCODE records the last issued value.

Your new error code is then defined in this class with MPI_Add_error_code  , and an error string can be added with MPI_Add_error_string :

int nonzero_code;
MPI_Add_error_string(nonzero_code,"Attempting to send zero buffer");

You can then call an error handler with this code. For instance to have a wrapped send routine that will not send zero-sized messages:

// errorclass.c
int MyPI_Send( void *buffer,int n,MPI_Datatype type, int target,int tag,MPI_Comm comm) {
  if (n==0)
    MPI_Comm_call_errhandler( comm,nonzero_code );
  return MPI_SUCCESS;
Here we used the default error handler associated with the communicator, but one can set a different one with MPI_Comm_create_errhandler  .

We test our example:

for (int msgsize=1; msgsize>=0; msgsize--) {
  double buffer;
  if (procno==0) {
    printf("Trying to send buffer of length %d\n",msgsize);
    MyPI_Send(&buffer,msgsize,MPI_DOUBLE, 1,0,comm);
    printf(".. success\n");
  } else if (procno==1) {
    MPI_Recv (&buffer,msgsize,MPI_DOUBLE, 0,0,comm,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
which gives:
Trying to send buffer of length 1
 .. success
Trying to send buffer of length 0
Abort(1073742081) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0):
Fatal error in MPI_Comm_call_errhandler: Attempting to send zero buffer

15.3 Fortran issues

crumb trail: > mpi > Fortran issues

MPI is typically written in C, what if you program Fortran ?

See section for MPI types corresponding to Fortran90 types

15.3.1 Assumed-shape arrays

crumb trail: > mpi > Fortran issues > Assumed-shape arrays

Use of other than contiguous data, for instance A(1:N:2)  , was a problem in MPI calls, especially nonblocking ones. In that case it was best to copy the data to a contiguous array. This has been fixed in MPI-3.

15.3.2 Prevent compiler optimizations

crumb trail: > mpi > Fortran issues > Prevent compiler optimizations

The Fortran compiler can aggressively optimize by rearranging instructions. This may lead to incorrect behavior in MPI code. In the sequence:

call MPI_Isend( buf, ..., request )
call MPI_Wait(request)
print *,buf(1)
the wait call does not involve the buffer, so the compiler can translate this into
call MPI_Isend( buf, ..., request )
register = buf(1)
call MPI_Wait(request)
print *,register
Preventing this is possible with a Fortran2018 mechanism. First of all the buffer should be declared asynchronous
<type>,Asynchronous :: buf
and introducing
    CALL MPI_F_SYNC_REG( buf )
The call to MPI_F_sync_reg will be removed at compile time if MPI_ASYNC_PROTECTS_NONBLOCKING is true.

15.4 Progress

crumb trail: > mpi > Progress

The concept asynchronous progress describes that MPI messages continue on their way through the network, while the application is otherwise busy.

The problem here is that, unlike straight MPI_Send and MPI_Recv calls, communication of this sort can typically not be off-loaded to the network card, so different mechanisms are needed.

This can happen in a number of ways:

Remark The MPI_Probe call is somewhat similar, in spirit if not quite in functionality, as MPI_Test  . However, they behave differently with respect to progress. Quoting the standard:

The MPI implementation of MPI_Probe and MPI_Iprobe needs to guarantee progress: if a call to MPI_Probe has been issued by a process, and a send that matches the probe has been initiated by some process, then the call to MPI_Probe will return.

In other words: probing causes MPI to make progress. On the other hand,

A call to MPI_Test returns flag = true if the operation identified by request is complete.

In other words, if progress has been made, then testing will report completion, but by itself it does not cause completion.
End of remark

A similar problem arises with passive target synchronization: it is possible that the origin process may hang until the target process makes an MPI call.

The following commands force progress: MPI_Win_test  , MPI_Request_get_status  .

Intel note Only available with the release_mt and debug_mt versions of the Intel MPI library. Set I_MPI_ASYNC_PROGRESS to 1 to enable asynchronous progress threads, and I_MPI_ASYNC_PROGRESS_THREADS to set the number of progress threads.

See  ,

End of Intel note

Progress issues play with: MPI_Test  , MPI_Request_get_status  , MPI_Win_test  .

15.5 Fault tolerance

crumb trail: > mpi > Fault tolerance

Processors are not completely reliable, so it may happen that one `breaks': for software or hardware reasons it becomes unresponsive. For an MPI program this means that it becomes impossible to send data to it, and any collective operation involving it will hang. Can we deal with this case? Yes, but it involves some programming.

First of all, one of the possible MPI error return codes (section  15.2  ) is MPI_ERR_COMM  , which can be returned if a processor in the communicator is unavailable. You may want to catch this error, and add a `replacement processor' to the program. For this, the MPI_Comm_spawn can be used (see  8.1 for details). But this requires a change of program design: the communicator containing the new process(es) is not part of the old MPI_COMM_WORLD  , so it is better to set up your code as a collection of inter-communicators to begin with.

15.6 Performance, tools, and profiling

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling

In most of this book we talk about functionality of the MPI library. There are cases where a problem can be solved in more than one way, and then we wonder which one is the most efficient. In this section we will explicitly address performance. We start with two sections on the mere act of measuring performance.

15.6.1 Timing

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > Timing

MPI has a wall clock timer: MPI_Wtime which gives the number of seconds from a certain point in the past. (Note the absence of the error parameter in the fortran call.)

double t;
t = MPI_Wtime();
for (int n=0; n<NEXPERIMENTS; n++) {
  // do something;
t = MPI_Wtime()-t; t /= NEXPERIMENTS;

The timer has a resolution of MPI_Wtick  .

MPL note The timing routines wtime and wtick and wtime_is_global are environment methods:

double 	mpl::environment::wtime ();
double 	mpl::environment::wtick ();
bool mpl::environment::wtime_is_global ();
End of MPL note

Timing in parallel is a tricky issue. For instance, most clusters do not have a central clock, so you can not relate start and stop times on one process to those on another. You can test for a global clock as follows MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL :

int *v,flag;
MPI_Attr_get( comm, MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL, &v, &flag );
if (mytid==0) printf("Time synchronized? %d->%d\n",flag,*v);

Normally you don't worry about the starting point for this timer: you call it before and after an event and subtract the values.

t = MPI_Wtime();
// something happens here
t = MPI_Wtime()-t;
If you execute this on a single processor you get fairly reliable timings, except that you would need to subtract the overhead for the timer. This is the usual way to measure timer overhead:
t = MPI_Wtime();
// absolutely nothing here
t = MPI_Wtime()-t; Global timing

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > Timing > Global timing

However, if you try to time a parallel application you will most likely get different times for each process, so you would have to take the average or maximum. Another solution is to synchronize the processors by using a barrier through MPI_Barrier :

t = MPI_Wtime();
// something happens here
t = MPI_Wtime()-t;

Exercise This scheme also has some overhead associated with it. How would you measure that?
End of exercise Local timing

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > Timing > Local timing

Now suppose you want to measure the time for a single send. It is not possible to start a clock on the sender and do the second measurement on the receiver, because the two clocks need not be synchronized. Usually a ping-pong is done:

if ( proc_source ) {
  MPI_Send( /* to target */ );
  MPI_Recv( /* from target */ );
else if ( proc_target ) {
  MPI_Recv( /* from source */ );
  MPI_Send( /* to source */ );

No matter what sort of timing you are doing, it is good to know the accuracy of your timer. The routine MPI_Wtick gives the smallest possible timer increment. If you find that your timing result is too close to this `tick', you need to find a better timer (for CPU measurements there are cycle-accurate timers), or you need to increase your running time, for instance by increasing the amount of data.

15.6.2 Simple profiling

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > Simple profiling

Remark This section describes MPI profiling before the introduction of the MPI tools interface  . For that, see chapter  MPI topic: Tools interface  .
End of remark

MPI allows you to write your own profiling interface. To make this possible, every routine MPI_Something calls a routine PMPI_Something that does the actual work. You can now write your MPI_... routine which calls PMPI_...  , and inserting your own profiling calls.

FIGURE 15.1: Calling hierarchy of MPI and PMPI routines

See figure  15.1  .

By default, the MPI routines are defined as weak linker symbols as a synonym of the PMPI ones. In the gcc case:

#pragma weak MPI_Send = PMPI_Send

FIGURE 15.2: A stack trace, showing the \texttt{PMPI} calls.

As you can see in figure  15.2  , normally only the PMPI routines show up in the stack trace.

15.6.3 Programming for performance

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > Programming for performance

We outline some issues pertaining to performance.

Eager limit

Short blocking messages are handled by a simpler mechanism than longer. The limit on what is considered `short' is known as the eager limit (section  ), and you could tune your code by increasing its value. However, note that a process may likely have a buffer accomodating eager sends for every single other process. This may eat into your available memory.

Blocking versus nonblocking
The issue of blocking versus nonblocking communication is something of a red herring. While nonblocking communication allows latency hiding  , we can not consider it an alternative to blocking sends, since replacing nonblocking by blocking calls will usually give deadlock  .

Still, even if you use nonblocking communication for the mere avoidance of deadlock or serialization (section  ), bear in mind the possibility of overlap of communication and computation. This also brings us to our next point.

Looking at it the other way around, in a code with blocking sends you may get better performance from nonblocking, even if that is not structurally necessary.


MPI is not magically active in the background, especially if the user code is doing scalar work that does not involve MPI. As sketched in section  15.4  , there are various ways of ensuring that latency hiding actually happens.

Persistent sends

If a communication between the same pair of processes, involving the same buffer, happens regularly, it is possible to set up a persistent communication  . See section  5.1  .


MPI uses internal buffers, and the copying from user data to these buffers may affect performance. For instance, derived types (section  6.3  ) can typically not be streamed straight through the network (this requires special hardware support  [LI:MpiDataUMR]  ) so they are first copied. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that buffered communication (section  5.5  ) does not help. Perhaps MPI implementors have not optimized this mode since it is so rarely used.

This is issue is extensively investigated in  [Eijkhout:MPItype-arxiv]  .

Graph topology and neighborhood collectives

Load balancing and communication minimization are important in irregular applications. There are dedicated programs for this ( ParMetis  , Zoltan  ), and libraries such as PETSc may offer convenient access to such capabilities.

In the declaration of a graph topology (section  11.2  ) MPI is allowed to reorder processes, which could be used to support such activities. It can also serve for better message sequencing when neighborhood collectives are used.

Network issues

In the discussion so far we have assumed that the network is a perfect conduit for data. However, there are issues of port design, in particular caused by oversubscription adversely affect performance. While in an ideal world it may be possible to set up routine to avoid this, in the actual practice of a supercomputer cluster, network contention or message collision from different user jobs is hard to avoid.

Offloading and onloading

There are different philosophies of network card design Mellanox  , being a network card manufacturer, believes in off-loading network activity to the NIC  , while Intel  , being a processor manufacturer, believes in `on-loading' activity to the process. There are argument either way.

Either way, investigate the capabilities of your network.

15.6.4 MPIR

crumb trail: > mpi > Performance, tools, and profiling > MPIR

MPIR is the informally specified debugging interface for processes acquisition and message queue extraction.

15.7 Determinism

crumb trail: > mpi > Determinism

MPI processes are only synchronized to a certain extent, so you may wonder what guarantees there are that running a code twice will give the same result. You need to consider two cases: first of all, if the two runs are on different numbers of processors there are already numerical problems; see  Eijkhout:IntroHPC  .

Let us then limit ourselves to two runs on the same set of processors. In that case, MPI is deterministic as long as you do not use wildcards such as MPI_ANY_SOURCE  . Formally, MPI messages are `nonovertaking': two messages between the same sender-receiver pair will arrive in sequence. Actually, they may not arrive in sequence: they are matched in sequence in the user program. If the second message is much smaller than the first, it may actually arrive earlier in the lower transport layer.

15.8 Subtleties with processor synchronization

crumb trail: > mpi > Subtleties with processor synchronization

Blocking communication involves a complicated dialog between the two processors involved. Processor one says `I have this much data to send; do you have space for that?', to which processor two replies `yes, I do; go ahead and send', upon which processor one does the actual send. This back-and-forth (technically known as a handshake  ) takes a certain amount of communication overhead. For this reason, network hardware will sometimes forgo the handshake for small messages, and just send them regardless, knowing that the other process has a small buffer for such occasions.

One strange side-effect of this strategy is that a code that should deadlock according to the MPI specification does not do so. In effect, you may be shielded from you own programming mistake! Of course, if you then run a larger problem, and the small message becomes larger than the threshold, the deadlock will suddenly occur. So you find yourself in the situation that a bug only manifests itself on large problems, which are usually harder to debug. In this case, replacing every MPI_Send with a MPI_Ssend will force the handshake, even for small messages.

Conversely, you may sometimes wish to avoid the handshake on large messages. MPI as a solution for this: the MPI_Rsend (`ready send') routine sends its data immediately, but it needs the receiver to be ready for this. How can you guarantee that the receiving process is ready? You could for instance do the following (this uses nonblocking routines, which are explained below in section  4.2.1  ):

if ( receiving ) {
  MPI_Irecv()   // post nonblocking receive
  MPI_Barrier() // synchronize
else if ( sending ) {
  MPI_Barrier() // synchronize
  MPI_Rsend()   // send data fast
When the barrier is reached, the receive has been posted, so it is safe to do a ready send. However, global barriers are not a good idea. Instead you would just synchronize the two processes involved.

Exercise Give pseudo-code for a scheme where you synchronize the two processes through the exchange of a blocking zero-size message.
End of exercise

15.9 Shell interaction

crumb trail: > mpi > Shell interaction

MPI programs are not run directly from the shell, but are started through an ssh tunnel  . We briefly discuss ramifications of this.

15.9.1 Standard input

crumb trail: > mpi > Shell interaction > Standard input

Letting MPI processes interact with the environment is not entirely straightforward. For instance, shell input redirection as in

mpiexec -n 2 mpiprogram < someinput
may not work.

Instead, use a script programscript that has one parameter:

mpirunprogram < $1
and run this in parallel:
mpiexec -n 2 programscript someinput

15.9.2 Standard out and error

crumb trail: > mpi > Shell interaction > Standard out and error

The stdout and stderr streams of an MPI process are returned through the ssh tunnel. Thus they can be caught as the stdout/err of mpiexec  .

// outerr.c
fprintf(stdout,"This goes to std out\n");
fprintf(stderr,"This goes to std err\n");

The name of the variable is implementation dependent, for mpich and its derivates such as Intel MPI it is PMI_RANK  . (There is a similar PMI_SIZE  .)

If you are only interested in displaying the rank

15.9.3 Process status

crumb trail: > mpi > Shell interaction > Process status

The return code of MPI_Abort is returned as the processes status of {mpiexec}. Running

// abort.c
if (procno==nprocs-1)
mpiexec -n 4 ./abort ; \
echo "Return code from ${MPIRUN} is <<$$?>>"
TACC:  Starting up job 3760534
TACC:  Starting parallel tasks...
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 37) - process 3
TACC:  MPI job exited with code: 37
TACC:  Shutdown complete. Exiting.
Return code from ibrun is <<37>>

15.9.4 Multiple program start

crumb trail: > mpi > Shell interaction > Multiple program start

If the MPI application consists of sub-applications, that is, if we have a true MPMD runs, there are usually two ways of starting this up. (Once started, each process can retrieve with MPI_APPNUM to which application it belongs.)

The first possibility is that the job starter, mpiexec or mpirun or a local variant, accepts multiple executables:

mpiexec spec0 [ : spec1 [ : spec2 : ... ] ]

Absent this mechanism, the sort of script of section  15.9.1 can also be used to implement MPMD runs. We let the script start one of a number of programs, and we use the fact that the MPI rank is known in the environment; see section  15.9.2  .

Use a script mpmdscript :


rank=$PMI_RANK half=$(( ${PMI_SIZE} / 2 ))

if [ $rank -lt $half ] ; then ./prog1 else ./prog2 fi

TACC:  Starting up job 4032931 
TACC:  Starting parallel tasks... 
Program 1 has process 1 out of 4
Program 2 has process 2 out of 4
Program 2 has process 3 out of 4
Program 1 has process 0 out of 4
TACC:  Shutdown complete. Exiting. 

This script is run in parallel:

mpiexec -n 25 mpmdscript

15.10 Leftover topics

crumb trail: > mpi > Leftover topics

15.10.1 MPI constants

crumb trail: > mpi > Leftover topics > MPI constants

MPI has a number of built-in constants  . These do not all behave the same.

For symbols, the binary realization is not defined. For instance, MPI_COMM_WORLD is of type MPI_Comm  , but the implementation of that type is not specified.

See Annex A of the MPI-3.1 standard for full lists.

The following are the compile-time constants:

Fortran note

End of Fortran note

The following are the link-time constants:

Assorted constants:

(This section was inspired by  .)

15.10.2 Cancelling messages

crumb trail: > mpi > Leftover topics > Cancelling messages

In section  4.3.1 we showed a master-worker example where the master accepts in arbitrary order the messages from the workers. Here we will show a slightly more complicated example, where only the result of the first task to complete is needed. Thus, we issue an MPI_Recv with MPI_ANY_SOURCE as source. When a result comes, we broadcast its source to all processes. All the other workers then use this information to cancel their message with an MPI_Cancel operation.

// cancel.c
fprintf(stderr,"get set, go!\n");
if (procno==nprocs-1) {
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Recv(dummy,0,MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,0,comm,
  first_tid = status.MPI_SOURCE;
  MPI_Bcast(&first_tid,1,MPI_INT, nprocs-1,comm); 
  fprintf(stderr,"[%d] first msg came from %d\n",procno,first_tid);
} else {
  float randomfraction = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX);
  int randomwait = (int) ( nprocs * randomfraction );
  MPI_Request request;
  fprintf(stderr,"[%d] waits for %e/%d=%d\n",
  MPI_Isend(dummy,0,MPI_INT, nprocs-1,0,comm,
  MPI_Bcast(&first_tid,1,MPI_INT, nprocs-1,comm
  if (procno!=first_tid) {
    fprintf(stderr,"[%d] canceled\n",procno);

After the cancelling operation it is still necessary to call MPI_Request_free  , MPI_Wait  , or MPI_Test in order to free the request object.

The MPI_Cancel operation is local, so it can not be used for nonblocking collectives or one-sided transfers.

Remark As of MPI-3.2, cancelling a send is deprecated.
End of remark

15.10.3 The origin of one-sided communication in ShMem

crumb trail: > mpi > Leftover topics > The origin of one-sided communication in ShMem

The Cray T3E had a library called shmem which offered a type of shared memory. Rather than having a true global address space it worked by supporting variables that were guaranteed to be identical between processors, and indeed, were guaranteed to occupy the same location in memory. Variables could be declared to be shared a `symmetric' pragma or directive; their values could be retrieved or set by shmem_get and shmem_put calls.

15.11 Literature

crumb trail: > mpi > Literature

Online resources:

Tutorial books on MPI:

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